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Eric leads Faith, Hope & Love Inc. in Webuye in the Rift Valley region of Western Kenya.


We have worked with him for twenty years, starting with providing for the ‘land slave’ tribes on the Mt Elgon border with Uganda. Into a situation desperate for clean water, medical intervention and a school, we together drilled a bore well, introduced a dispensary, and built a school.


Since then we’ve replicated the same three things in many remote rural village clusters whilst training Eric and his team to become financially self-sufficient.

Founded on the principle of ‘impartial acceptance’, the Webuye day and residential schools and orphanages now provide a family for 400 children, many of whom are HIV orphans and who find belonging, education and training that crosses tribal and religious divisions.

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Mike is the founder of Salam Action for Life Transformation (SALT) in Kaduna, Northern Nigeria. As Vice Principal of the Kaduna Agricultural College, he observed the lack of integration between the Christian city and the predominantly Muslim shanty town.


Crossing the divide and learning from local Imams what the key needs were for those families, they started by prioritising education and youth sport activities. We worked with them to form a basic school and the nation’s first Muslim-Christian football team has this has since led to a well regarded 500 student high school, with integrated teams, prison visiting and rehabilitation.


Across the region SALT focuses on bringing clean water wells, medical camps and community health and HIV education to the rural Muslim tribes, Kingdoms and Nomadic Fulani. Consequently the Muslim Kings, tribal and government powers call on Mike Ola as a trusted man who does what he promises, helps impartially and demonstrates that, ‘people are important



Hanok Tamang

Hanok is a respected national leader and recipient of the 2019 Nepali government Humanitarian Trophy.


Following the 2015 Nepal earthquake webegan working together and developing the replicable procedure for restoring clean water supplies to village clusters.


This procedure partners with the receiving communities to provide a labour force for the deployment of kilometres of PVC piping from mountain springs to village storage tanks. We have now together restored water to 20000 people from Brahmin, Mongolian and ‘untouchable ‘Dalit castes and have plans for a further 120000 to be reconnected by 2021.


From his Kathmandu base he oversees the daily requests for water restoration, house reconstruction, food, clothing and relief supplies to the communities he is involved with and has a big heart for people especially the marginalized, lepers, widowed and children.

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